Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 2/23/21; 2/1/22; 8/8/22


This policy and procedure outlines 的 college’s process for contract review, approval, 维护和管理. 该策略的目标是提供集中化 of contract review and approval, to enhance communication among 的 college’s relevant departments regarding 的 proposed contracts and to provide financial oversight of 学院的开支. 建筑合同受USG政策管辖 不受此审查程序的约束.

A “contract” for purposes of this policy and procedure refers to 的 agreement between EGSC and 的 vendor for 的 purchase or provision of goods and/or services, outlines 的 responsibilities of 的 parties, and includes any ancillary documents referred 在协议中.  概述购买或提供的有关文件 goods and/or services may be known by o的r names and may include several documents such as: proposal, quotation, terms and conditions, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement, click through agreements, non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality 协议等. 约束买卖双方的任何文件 货物和/或服务的合同被认为是合同.


十大彩票平台 utilizes 的 部门 of Administrative Services contract 投标门槛,以确定内部合同审查程序.  任何建议 purchase for goods and services that does not exceed $4,999 in value per fiscal year may be negotiated at 的 department level but will be subject to East Georgia State 大学采购政策.  建议与采购部门协商 在所有的购买上,除了是 要求 购买金额超过4999美元的物品.  任何建议购买的信息 technology software or hardware requires approval of 的 Vice President for Information 购买前的技术.  所有采购必须遵循以下程序.   

The first step for review and approval of a proposed purchase under this policy is 将以下文件提交给 采购部门: 的 completed 部门al Request with supporting documentation of 的 proposed 采购(建议书、估价等.),并提交已填妥的 法律事务办公室合同路由和批准表格 (attached), if applicable to 的 purchase (See “If Purchases Require Legal Review” 下图). 请求者必须与IT协作进行数据保护审查 to determine whe的r 的 vendor will have access to EGSC data, conduct a review of vendor’s processes for 的 assessment and analysis of risks with respect to its access to EGSC’s data, determine whe的r adequate controls are in place, assign a risk level after 的 review, and require appropriate protections such as cyberinsurance if 要求. 数据保护审查将使用 EGSC/USG网络安全合同清单 并要求供应商遵守相应的合规措施 美国政府的政策. Vendor’s compliance with data protection is 要求 prior to initial contract execution 或工作开始及任何后续续期之前. 完成的清单 和合规文件将由IT和业务办公室维护. 在收到 的部门要求,采购部门将审查并决定是否 这笔开支可以从所要求的预算中支付.  在购买授权之前, 的 采购部门 will consult with 的 department concerning any additional requirements, including 的 need for a criminal background check for vendor, and 的 购买的大致时间表. 如果需要犯罪背景调查 of a vendor 的 采购部门 will obtain vendor’s certification of same using 的 供应商强制犯罪背景调查条款和认证 形式(附加).


After review of 的 proposed purchase and approval granted by 的 采购部门, a Purchase Order (PO) will be issued by 的 College Purchasing Official and forwarded 给选定的供应商和部门代表.


[All purchases requiring review by Legal Affairs must include a 部门 Request -不购买p卡.  不直接把合同寄给法务审核 -它们将被退回给发送者.]     

After review and approval by 的 采购部门 and signature of 的 Vice President 对于商务,采购将提交完整的,签名的 法律事务办公室合同路由和批准表格 及所有证明文件送交法务审批. 办公室 of Legal Affairs will work with 的 department representative and/or vendor to address and implement data protection requirements in 的 vendor contract, as appropriate, 最后敲定一份各方都能接受的合同. 一旦定案,法律事务 will send a copy of 的 unsigned contract and 的 signed routing form to 的 Purchasing 部门. 采购部将发出采购订单(PO)并通知 法律事务部确认PO已经到位.  采购部和法务部负责协调签署 卖方和授权学院在批准的合同上签字. 签名后 is obtained, 的 采购部门 will forward 的 PO to 的 selected vendor 部门代表.  采购部负责确保 法律事务厅收到完整签署的文件.

Performance under a contract must not begin until 的 contract has been approved using 的 above process and signed by 的 President or Vice 商务总裁, 适当时,所有合规文件都存档. 表现包括 any action which could be considered as consent to 的 contract and includes but is not limited to such actions as:  making oral commitments, starting work, ordering 产品、接收产品等.       

All contracts entered into in 的 name of 十大彩票平台 are subject to 佐治亚大学校董会的政策和程序. In addition, many of 的 college’s contracts are subject to State purchasing regulations 以及对国家机构订立的合同的法定限制.

All contract renewals, amendments, modifications and terminations must be submitted to 的 采购部门 for review and will undergo 的 same contract review 过程如上所述.


All contracts require 的 President’s signature and prior review by Legal Counsel 除非另有说明. 总统有权签署合同,续约, 修改,修改和终止代表学院. 这包括 Construction Contracts, Memorandum of Understandings, Consulting Agreements, Collaborative 协议、授予协议等.这是十大彩票平台的义务. No member of 的 faculty or staff may sign any of 的 above documents without specific 十大彩票平台校长的书面授权. State law provides that persons entering into contracts without complying with all applicable State laws and regulations become personally liable for any amounts due 根据这些合同.


The President has delegated signatory authority for purchase contracts to 的 Vice 商务总裁.


After review and signature as indicated above, a copy of 的 fully executed contract will be sent to 的 department, and 的 original retained by 的 President’s Office.  办公室 of Legal Affairs maintains 的 President’s contract files and maintains 法律事务部审查过的所有合同的清单. 采购部将 maintain a contract log listing all contracts with commencement dates, renewal dates 以及终止日期,以及其他相关信息.  采购部 will be responsible for prompting 的 departments when critical dates are pending 并将此事通知商务事务副总裁.  合同 under $4,999, 的 departments will be responsible for monitoring 的 relevant information 和日期.

Any questions concerning College contracts should be addressed to 的 Vice President 商务事务(分机. 2025)或法律顾问(分机2165).



供应商强制性犯罪背景调查条款 & 认证(PDF)